CRKT Survival Para-Saw large tan

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Item #: CL-9300TL


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Having a piece of paracord available in an emergency situation is one thing, but having a plastic encased, tungsten carbide wire saw woven into the braided cord is another! In the event you have to use the cordage and/or wire saw, you simply unravel the bracelet to access the saw. Nylon cord is 8'-9', depending on the bracelet size. The hand-operated saw is effective for cutting wood or performing other necessary tasks in a survival situation. Quick-release buckles are easy to use in any outdoor situation. Suggested retail $24.99.

Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT)

CRKT builds serious knives, engineered to perform on the job or in the field, year in and year out. They are practical, purpose driven designs created by some of the most innovative Knifemakers' Guild members and creative designers. The result is that the finest modern knife designs are now available to you for daily use at an affordable price. We are continually impressed with how much quality CRKT can fit into a very reasonable price.

$ 10.00