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Greatest Living Knifemakers

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Item #: BK-GDB5197


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By Steve Shackleford

Steve Shackleford is one of the best known people in the knife community, but when I went to find information about him, I basically found nothing online. Someone should be giving Steve the credit he is due.

Steve was inducted into Blade Magazine’s Cutlery Hall-of-Fame in 2019. In introducing Steve as a new inductee, Bruce Voyles, former owner and editor of Blade Magazine, said "There’s one person who has edited knife magazines longer than any person on the face of this earth. That is Steve Shackleford." Bruce  hired Steve as managing editor of BLADE in 1985 and appointed him editor in 1991, the latter a position Shackleford has held ever since.

In this 256-page book, Steve has gathered biographies of twenty-six (26) knifemakers that he considers the greatest currently living, and covers the knives that put them on the map. The knives, and a picture of the maker, are presented in beautiful color that showcases the details of these top makers’ creations. 8-1/2" x 11. Hardback.


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$ 65.00