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A.G. Russell Vest Pocket Semi-Skinner

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Item #: AGLB-C44CF


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A.G. believed that Bob Loveless's semi-skinner blade design was the best and most practical blade shape of all of those that Bob introduced, more so than the utility (clip point) or the drop point which of course has become the most popular, and most reproduced, of all fixed knife blade shapes. Because of A.G.'s preference for this blade, you will see it used often in the knives he has designed.

The A.G. Russell Vest Pocket Semi-Skinner lockback is our newest example of A.G.'s use of this blade. He chose a top grade blade steel, CPM-S35VN at 60-61 Rc., and a visually striking carbon fiber for the handle scales. The bolsters, liners and inlay are stainless steel. This knife was engineered and ordered before A.G. passed away in October 2018. The plan was to create a small, thin, lightweight lockback folder that could be carried comfortably in the pocket, including a vest or jacket pocket. At only 3-1⁄8" closed with a handle thickness, at the thickest point, of about 3⁄8" and weighing only 2.5 oz. A.G. hit his mark. It will certainly feel comfortable being carried in any pocket you choose. Made in China.

  • Type
  • Blade
    Semi Skinner
  • Blade Length
  • Finish
  • Blade Steel
  • Rockwell
  • Lock
  • Bolsters
  • Liners
  • Handle
    Carbon Fiber
  • Closed Length
  • Weight
    2.5 oz.
  • Origin

A.G. Russell Knives

From the age of nine I made homemade knives until I was about twenty-four when I began to make handmade knives, crude but no longer made at home. A few years later, I had met and learned from makers like R.W. Loveless and R. L. Dozier. I made knives until the mid 1970s. I don’t make handmade knives anymore, as my hands aren’t what they used to be. However, I do have very talented makers in the United States and Japan who make knives that I am proud to put my name on. I design pocketknives, one hand knives, lockbacks, and fixed blade knives and have them made to our standards. ~A.G. Russell III

A.G. Russell has been in the knives and whetstones business for over 50 years. A.G. Russell knives are well known for their quality. A.G. Russell knives tend to be more traditional in style and look, with modern advances in material and design to create excellent knives.

A.G. Russell Vest Pocket Semi-Skinner - This knife is a jewel!  It is flawless in both its design and execution. While this is a small knife at a closed length of 3 1/8 inches and a weight of only 2 1/2 ounces, it is a LOT of knife in a little package. The blade is quite stout and locks up very solidly. The semi-skinner blade shape is one of my favorites. This blade is deep enough that it provide a belly for skinning across its entire cutting edge, yet it has a point fine enough for digging splinters out of your hand.  There are not many tasks that you could reasonably expect a pocket knife to perform that this knife cannot do, and it can do them with aplomb. The knife opens and closes with silky smoothness.  This is my first knife with a carbon fiber handle and my first with CPM S35VN blade steel, and neither material disappoints.  It is rare that any knife as received does not require some sharpening or at least stropping to achieve its best edge, but this knife took the hair off my arm in one pass right out of the box. The carbon fiber handles are visually fascinating and provide an optical illusion of depth that changes with changes in ambient light. This knife is yet another example of an A.G. Russell knife made in China that I do not believe could have been made better anywhere in the world. Russell's catalog says that Mr. Russell completed the design of this knife shortly befor he passed. He could hardly have left the followers of his knife designs a better parting gift than this knife. It is a suitable tribute to his memory. Having known Mr. Russell only through his knives, had I been asked to write a one sentence epitaph for him, it would have been "He had a great eye for knife design and he will be sorely missed." Rating 10/10. Robert D. Milford, CT
I just received these three knives [Sea Skorpion, Vest Pocket Semi-Skinner, Rancher Lock Back] and have given them a close inspection. They arrived a day earlier than predicted by tracking and were packed very well.
Knife people talk about "fit and finish" a lot, to indicate the quality of the product's build. All of these knives are excellent in that regard, opening easily with silky smoothness and closing dead center. Those with a spring back (Rancher and Vest Pocket Semi-Skinner) close with a nice snap. The Sea Skorpion is an open-back frame lock. It is easily opened with the thumb and one hand. The action on it, as in the other two, is smooth throughout the entire pivot and is well secured with the frame lock. The back locks on the other two disengage easily. There is no side play in any of the blades and the fit 'n finish is excellent - smooth and tightly fitted across the back springs. With the blade open, there is a smooth, precision transition from the springs into the back of the blade. There are no flaws detected in the handles. They are beautiful knives, well made, and will be a joy to use. There is no break-in period required on these models; they operate as though they've been around for a long time. I have long expected such quality from your company and am happy to see that it continues. Good job, A. G. Russell! Rating: 10/10
Paul S. Harriman, TN
$ 99.95